Using Isometries for Computational Design and Fabrication

An optional description of the image for screen readers. By Caigui Jiang


We discretize isometric mappings between surfaces as correspondences between checkerboard patterns derived from quad meshes. This method captures the degrees of freedom inherent in smooth isometries and enables a natural definition of discrete developable surfaces. This definition, which is remarkably simple, leads to a class of discrete developables which is much more flexible in applications than previous concepts of discrete developables. In this paper, we employ optimization to efficiently compute isometric mappings, conformal mappings and isometric bending of surfaces. We perform geometric modeling of developables, including cutting, gluing and folding. The concept of discrete mappings presented here has applications in both theory and practice. We propose a theory of curvatures derived from a discrete Gauss map as well as a construction of watertight CAD models consisting of developable spline surfaces.

ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH
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Caigui Jiang
Caigui Jiang

My research interests are in geometric modeling, geometry processing, architectural geometry, computer graphics, and computer vision.