Architectural Structures from Quad Meshes with Planar Parameter Lines

An optional description of the image for screen readers. By Caigui Jiang


We address the computational design of architectural structures which are based on a grid of intersecting beams that are aligned with the parameter lines of a quad mesh. While previous work mainly put a planarity constraint onto the faces of the mesh, we focus on the planarity of long-range supporting beams which follow selected polylines in the underlying mesh. In addition to that, we impose further constraints including planarity of faces, right node angles and static equilibrium, and discuss in which way these may be combined. Some of the studied meshes are discrete counterparts of certain well-known surfaces in classical geometry, whose knowledge is helpful for initializing the proposed optimization algorithms.

Computer-Aided Design
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Caigui Jiang
Caigui Jiang

My research interests are in geometric modeling, geometry processing, architectural geometry, computer graphics, and computer vision.